Items banned from entering Japan that you would never expect

If you have a habit of wearing fake Gucci, channel, dior items, you should get rid of them immediately, because they are not allowed to enter Japan!!!

Hello everyone, this is tconnect tv!

I have to admit that the Japanese are really creative, there is a whole list of items that they prohibit us from bringing into their country.

The first is fake goods, or in other words, fake goods, if you find an Adidas shirt or a pair of guchivi brand shoes in your suitcase, we understand, if you don’t throw them away, you will never be able to pass the Japanese border.

The second is the ban on bringing Galaxy Note 7 phones because this is the phone line that is most susceptible to fire and explosion, there have been many cases where the phone suddenly exploded, so for the safety of the people, this phone will never be allowed to enter Japan.

Finally, it is forbidden to bring fruit, why, I don’t know either, maybe because there are a lot of fruits in Japan so they are not allowed to bring them, but one thing is that fruits in Japan are very expensive, I saved up money for a long time to buy a watermelon, everyone!

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